From Script to Screen
5 Days
$1,445 Full
$1,370 Concession
Daily sessions not applicable.
Devising and Bringing a Script to Life - Writing, Directing and Acting, 2 Days
Participants, in pairs or groups, will learn how to devise, then act in and direct, a short story - and have a great time discovering how to bring their script to life. We’ll also look at the director/actor relationship, casting, rehearsing, acting styles, blocking and performance. We’ll explore specific tools and techniques used by actors and directors and gain experiential insight into the actor's and director's craft. Conducted by TBA.
Filmmaking Fundamentals, 3 Days
Over these 3 days you’ll learn how to expertly light, record sound and move your camera to get high production values. We will shoot a music clip, light and shoot a multi-cam interview using equipment provided at the course. We’ll also use iPhones, mirrorless cameras, camcorders, low-cost digital cinema cameras. We will introduce you to the professional editing program Adobe Premier Pro to edit your projects. If you already use and prefer another edit programme you can use that. We will shoot a master shot for the music clip as a group then students will break into smaller groups to shoot additional scenes for B-roll. Each group will then cut their own version of the music clip using the common master shot and the B-roll scenes everybody shoots.
Conducted by Con Filippidis DoP/Cinematographer (
Wednesday 7 to Sunday 11.
Participants are advised to book early to secure a place in this popular, innovative course, which books out quickly every year.
Session Times
9.30 am to 5.30 pm all days.
Filmmaking Summer School Certificate
Certificates will be awarded for all full courses.
The 2026 Filmmaking Summer School will be held at Dancehouse, 150 Princes St, Carlton North, Vic 3054 this year.
There is no accommodation available at the course.
A map & details of Dancehouse, and how to get there, will be supplied with enrolment/welcome details.